Thursday, September 30, 2010

Political Frusteration.

So its of no great shock I would gather that Obamanation is out toting his party line. (Wonder where he finds the money to pay for Air Force One to go on a political gab fest tailing several days or weeks) He seems shocked and totally bewildered that even those that "voted" for him are frustrated, questioning him and his motives and all the policies he and the Democrat controlled Congress have put in place. Placing the buck on Bush may be trendy but there is this way that I look at it:

I enlisted in the Wisconsin National Guard in Feb of 2003. Iraq was getting hot and engaged. We were already in Afghanistan. I deployed twice to the Iraq theater of operations. The thing of it is I could not act shocked that I would be called to take upon the problems of Iraq or where ever else they may send me. I could not blame it on Bush, Clinton, Bush the first, the UN or NATO. While I could say I am here due to a failure of any number of men, those things were still happening when I enlisted and took up the oath.
Obama, is indeed in much the same situation. He took office promising to take care of all these problems or situations that were happening, the economy starting to tank, the wars, all of the unpopular polices that he railed against. In many of them he has extended or increased the scope of them. Others he just sits back and points to Bush.
Well Obama took the oath of office, taking these things on, knowing full well that they were happening. So they at the very least are his problem now, he willingly accepted the burden, though apparently he will not take responsibility for anything that he has done or not done. A man that had very little political experience was overlooked by the Media and a large amount of those that voted for him. Yet we see on various Republican tickets those that have a similar amount of experience in politics as him (Mind you it was also stated that he was different and better because he wasn't long vested in politics!) or even more, but less than the "average" politician getting grilled by the media for ...not having enough experience!

The Democrats have pointed to the Republicans as stopping all they wanted to do, yet we have the new health care bill, and many others. The Democrats have controlled the House, the Senate utterly. The Republicans by and large could not stop anything the Democrats wanted to do. Yet the Democrats cant understand why everyone is so angry about the policies they put in place.

And it does go both ways, many of the so called RINO Republicans don't understand when they get ousted from the primaries why they did.
And in the years before 2006 they got complacent which is they we are in the situation we are now.
Still, Obamanation is so out of touch with people as well as the Democratic party at large that they stand to get a heavy toll placed on them in November.
The Economy itself, Employment, Business's themselves are all either in a holding pattern or nosediving.
Wars continue to happen.
The United States has tried to play nice with despots and corrupt dictators.
Allies are insulted.
Times are uncertain and no one has any clue what will happen with Congress, Taxes, Employment, or the overreaching affects of new regulations.
The Democrats, and their supporters have basically said that everyone needs to stop whining about what is happening, its not their fault.
Thing of it is, it is their fault, seeing as how they hold the majority and have passed all these packages, bills to the tune of hundreds of trillions of dollars, with out it having any affect for the positive.
People were told that the Government would ride in and save the day.. except that hasn't happened.
Too many people are utterly dependant on handouts.
There is a lot of truth to the old saying of give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life.
People make wealth. Inspiration and Innovation makes wealth. They know how to personally steer their finances to keep themselves making more money when they have the capability still to do so.
Ambition as well helps in this, the drive to better yourself is more than just a wealth factor. Pride, satisfaction and the ability to improve yourself is what drives economies. Not the Government.
With out a Congress that is understanding of those they represent or a understanding of what is going on in the areas they represent there is going to be more and more of this pointing of fingers, telling people its not their fault or overall corruption if they are not held in check. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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