Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Working Vacation, Day one, or is it two?

So, yesterday for Labor day found myself and the Lady Friend headed to the Milwaukee area for her to get gaming stores interested in the company she works for, as far as a distributor. The trip down was filled with rain till we hit Green Bay, half an hour drive to get that far alone. Dear God why the hell do you SLAM ON THE BRAKES when it starts to rain? You can see it sprinkle for a few seconds at least, why the hell would you do such a insane thing, and then creep along at 45 on an interstate? In Rain. On Labor Day? I mean come on, slow down a tick if you need to. That's fine. Locking up the entire interstate in panic because you cant be observant enough to see that your going in to a rain cloud is a hell of a lot less safe than barreling though a downpour.

Other than that, the trip was pretty smooth on down, to the hotel. Got settled on in and called up my friend that I hadn't seen in a few years, at least since the first deployment and we went out for Margaritas, and Mexican food. Pretty solid night all told.

Today was a rough one, I know that you all will have quivering hearts at this one. Woke up mid morning, let the Lady do her thing, and we then set out. Sadly, Google Maps are pretty well useless in the greater Milwaukee area. The god damn city and the surrounding cities seem to have decided against putting up street signs. And its full fledged construction, everywhere. So after a while of driving around we pulled in to a Japanese restaurant, had a smashing meal of yellowtail, red tuna, red chili sauce shrimp and other sushi. Life is rough. We got going again and found the first place, and continued to hit the rest of our objectives, often times with no help at all from Goggle's map system. Follow that up with a seven layer chocolate cake slice and a fresh strawberry cheesecake slice from the Cheesecake Factory and its a pretty solid day out at work.

Traffic overall was not bad but we were out of the area by the time most of rush hour hit. Sadly it appears that I need to have a Tank, however. People just can not seem to get the idea of getting up to speed on a onramp to merge with traffic. You dickheads that think that by going slower than the flow of traffic, like oh say 50 in a 65, where traffic is pushing 70 to 75 are not doing anyone behind you on the ramp favors. Or the people that you cut off when you finally dicker your way on over in to the right lane. And for those assholes out there that speed up to cut you off when your trying to merge, at speed can go die in a fire. You know the ones that I'm talking about, they will not move over even with the space to do so. They can keep a constant speed and let you in with no issues. Oh no, lets speed up and make the other person lock the brakes up or put it to the floor to get around them. Seriously, go park your car and jump in front of a bus.

Tomorrow will have us in Madtown Madison itself, then hopefully to Recob's Target Shop. I need to pick up several pounds of powder and a pile of primers, as well as a couple other assorted things. The next week then will be spent tuning my .223 a bit tighter, my 30-30 and my 300 Savages. I like Recob's target shop too, and they are cheap on powder. At least ten bucks at least vs Gander Mountain, and generally cheaper than elsewhere on the Internet.

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