Thursday, September 16, 2010

Karl Rove, you are a twatwaffle.

Nothing like the bastards that needed to cast out like some Sith Lords to come in and bad mouth Tea Party candidates that get elected over the retardigans. So Let me see if I understand this. Republicans, and other Conservatives need to toe to fucking line to the party's big fucking tent and bow to what ever stupid sad puke of a candidate they come up with all in the "party unity" bit, Then they essentially take their toys and go home after a huge temper tantrum when we dare not vote for their man? Oh Snap! Right, party unity for everyone but them! Instead of backing the person that the people wanted, therefor stands a better chance of getting elected your gonna bad mouth the person? Say your not gonna fund them? I can't imagine the burning up the lines they got on that one, since it was a few hours later they retracted the fact they would not give money to the woman that won Delaware.
Karl Rove, and the rest of you big party asshats wearing a R or a pretend R or whatever that expect me to go toe to line to support the cause?  (gee sounds like the Democrats lines) I have something to say to you tardlings.
Lick. My. Choad.

Also, Get the fuck out of the way, because your about to get run over by Americans, just like your retarded family members that you hump in your incestuous political relationships, the Democrats.

Thanks to Ides, for the usage of twatwaffle. All due credit for the twatwaffle and any twatwaffle franchises, and assorted copyrights go to her. All Rights Reserved.

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