Thursday, September 23, 2010

Triple post for the day!

So I dabble about on interenet type of games, World of Warcraft for example, Some first person shooters, though I'm not what I call a expert computer geek on games, I do alright. I play roleplaying games on the table top, think Dungeons and Dragons, though that has been years now, most currently I play Shadowrun when I am about folks that do the same. I hunt, I own firearms, Have children, Have done a stint in the military...
And a few other assorted things. It could be said that I am a "odd duck" baised on my interests. I'm a political conservitive, Libertarian to be exact. I'm tired of the establishment in the US politics, on both sides of the house that we typically see. I see many similiratys out there with other countries as well with political blackmail so to speak.

Then I delved even further in to the world of the Internet and the Internet blogger. What I have really seen is that the basic cookie cutter shapes out there do exist but they themselves are a rarity if you really open your eyes to what people are saying. My blog father Jay G Is a good example of such. And many of the criss crossing blogs out there, the tangled web that we all tend to get in to. It covers a lot of different spectrum's, granted tending to Conservative leanings but not always in the way that Conservative is portrayed in modern media out there in Western culture. People the world over are pretty disgusted with elected governments failing to really represent the people that elected them. There seems to be a slow, but subtle grinding change happening, though its forefront again seems to be the United States. Currently we have the Tea Party as it is called leads the way. It is a simple thing but complicated for our leaders to understand. And there are similar things everywhere in the world where we have a "elected" representation. While the United States is typically known for our revolution being a bloody one, and a bloody, bloody Civil War, this is again an apparent first, What is going to be a bloodless grass roots take over of the establishment from the bottom up to the top. I Have a feeling the next two to four years are going to be ground breaking if changes actually happen. The US, and the world itself is watching to see how we handle ourselves. And if the people that get put in power really live up to their word and the promises they made.
Let it begin.

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