Thursday, September 2, 2010

More on the nuts..

The nutjob that took hostages yesterday at Discovery Channels HQ's and another one from this year, Amy Bishop that shot three people on a collage campus brings out a point that does not seem to get fairly addressed.

While these two individuals were violent and homicidal manics, the fact of them getting called crazed gunmen, by the MSM is rather irksome. A nutjob is a nutjob no matter what sort of affiliation they have with anything. But say these two individuals were a white male? Why they would be called redneck throwback NRA loving uncle screwing caveman just waiting to to burn a few crosses and wave a Nazi flag about. Never mind that Amy Bishop apparently murdered her own brother and got away with it till she murdered three more people. So much for gun control working in THAT case. Point being is that there was not a large national attention or push to ban, restrict or otherwise add more gun control laws to the books after the Amy Bishop incident. In fact, how often do you hear of the Amy Bishop incident these days? There was a shooting spree where a black man went after his employers after they asked him to resign for theft. They had it on camera that he was stealing and they still gave him a chance at a fresh slate elsewhere. Their thanks? He shot 8 of them if memory serves me. No national out cry there either.

There seems to be a large disconnect with reporting, if its a white man its all over the news, anyone else, not so much, or there are cries of racism, sexism, hejustwasentlovedenoughisms..
Its a horrible event that any single one of these situations unfolds. But making apologies for it, or covering up the race. (Here is a history quiz folks, The Beltway "Sniper" Pair that inflicted so much terror. How long did it take to come out that the suspects were black?) does nothing to stop these acts. Using these as a platform to create more hysteria about firearms, a non existent race war does sell papers though I suppose to the masses that will read that sort of drivel.

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