Saturday, November 20, 2010


School and other assorted things have kept me busy from tossing up posts here, Day one of the Gun opener saw.. zero deer in the woods. Its starting to become like hunting unicorns. Or honest politicians.
Hopefully though the morning brings a change of luck for me.
As far as other things are concerned I will be finishing my reloading set up soon, and hopefully getting a store of pistol ammo built up as well as some .223 now that a load for that has been finished as well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grats.Now get to work clowns.

Seems that most of who I voted for got in and the over all feeling in the States shifted in a massive landslide again, with the exception of the coasts. I mean Cali voters voting in someone that died? Wow.
Regardless of this all, congratulations to the GOP. Now get to work because we are watching you too.
You did not win on mandate other than we are all royally pissed off at Washington Ignoring us. You will continue to be clowns to me until you show me you have learned your lesson.