Sunday, September 5, 2010


I am not sure what the hell it is about freeways but its like every tardling out there just seems to get in the damned way.

There are two lanes or more going one way on a freeway. They are to pass other people, then move the hell back over in to the right most lane of traffic. If you are making people pass you on the right because your too stupid, fat, lazy, or just that damned big of a jackass, please just drive your car in to a tree. Get the hell over or get the hell out of the way.

Also, pick a damned speed. Set the cruise control and stop speeding up and slowing down at random times. If your car does not have a cruise control and you can not maintain your speed with in one to two miles an hour, please, pull the car off the road, get out of it, and light it on fire and never ever get behind the wheel again. (I know if your towing something or other factors can make that difficult)

Also for the jackasses on two lane roads.
You know who you are, you hammerheads that speed up in a passing zone so that I can not reasonably pass you, but then drop to say 45 in a 55 in a no passing zone. Get off the damned road then jackwipes.

Signals are on a car for a reason. Try using them when your shifting lanes. Or if your turning off of a road period.

On to more pleasant things, the Lady had arrived and the trip wasn't too bad, though O'hare is full of rude people as always.

Tomorrow we will be headed to Milwaukee so that she can do her work tomorrow evening in the various gaming stores and such on Tuesday night anyway.
Tomorrow night we shall meet up with one of my old army buddys from teh first deployment if all goes well.
Wednesday we will hit the MADtown area, hopefully find some Sushi or the like, and continue letting her work, on in to Wednesday where we will wrap up the working portions of things, or Thursday maybe. Friday for sure however we will get out to go shooting, I'm looking forward to it as is she. Curious to see how she handles the AR15, and the Sig 229.
Regardless I know she will expend a large amount of my .45ACP inventory and a good portion of my .22 LR inventory out of the 1911, and I'm sure we both will have a great time.

Currently I'm feeling somewhat relaxed, with some zucchini and tomatoes steamed together, fresh steamed green beans and some apple wood smoked thick sliced bacon wrapped beef tenderloins for dinner, the tenderloins topped with mushrooms, onions and artichokes. Not a bad meal at all for 12 total dollars.

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